A Family Memory: Unexpected Mrs. Pollifax and Surprise Connections

From The Unexpected Mrs. Pollifax, by Dorothy Gillman, 1966 I can still see the dog-eared paperback clear as day on the guest bedroom nightstand in my childhood home in Memphis: a mystery novel by Dorothy Gillman titled The Unexpected Mrs. Pollifax, my great-grandmother Gracie’s reading selection on that visit. On the book jacket a woman … Continue reading A Family Memory: Unexpected Mrs. Pollifax and Surprise Connections

Travel Story: (I Wish We Could Go) Fly Fishing Out West

But since we can't right now (never mind that neither The Chef nor I knows how to fly fish), we'll live vicariously through one of my talented colleagues at the marketing agency where I work. Jeremiah recently shared the exquisite video he and his girlfriend Kara made documenting their trip to Montana and Wyoming, where … Continue reading Travel Story: (I Wish We Could Go) Fly Fishing Out West