Fun with Dangerous Chemicals: Small Amounts Won’t Hurt You…

The second toe on my right foot has a bruised toenail. This is absolutely unnoteworthy, except this has happened for three consecutive years. The cycle goes like this. First there is a little bothersome pain, which inspires me to scrutinize my toe. It looks fine. And for the record, I keep my feet clean and … Continue reading Fun with Dangerous Chemicals: Small Amounts Won’t Hurt You…

Journal Entry: Confessions of a Christmas Control Freak

Is there any time better for derailing a self-proclaimed control freak than the holidays? I mean the Christmas holidays, and not the beachy summer vacation I’ve been coveting since we had our first cold snap, and forget about poetic hoary frost: I’m talking single digits, when the deck boards outside our back door explode as … Continue reading Journal Entry: Confessions of a Christmas Control Freak